Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting

Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall

Date: Tuesday, 21st March, 2017 (7:30pm)

In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chairman), Mr M Patterson, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk)

Parishioners: Mr C Hunt.

Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mr A Crossley, Mr K Atack.

1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (10th January 2017 & 14th February 2017) approved and signed.

2.    Matters arising from previous minutes.

2.1 HS2 Update

Mr G Page reported that HS2 had had another meeting with OCC highways regarding mitigating measures for the increase in traffic through Wardington planned during the construction of HS2. OCC has informed us of the outcome, updating their Risk Register with the HS2 responses. HS2 are not addressing any problems relating to safety, noise and vibration, which are listed in the OCC Risk Register, and only proposing to widen three corners and cut back vegetation where possible. The Wardington Action group has responded to OCC Highways expressing their disappointment and again stressing the main concerns. A solution may be for a one direction 2-way shuttle or speed restrictions through the village.

2.2 Cluster Care Donation

Mr Jarrett reported that, although financial information had been circulated to all councillors, we still have not had further information as to the size of the grant, if any, from OCC. Mr Franklin was attending a meeting with Cluster Care that evening so hopefully we should know more when he reports back to council. It was agreed to defer the matter again until the next meeting.

2.3 Tree Maintenance on the Sports Field.

Mr Jarrett reported that he had been in contact with CDC following Mr M Page’s questioning whether permission should have been granted before carrying out the maintenance on trees in the sports field, the said trees being within the Wardington conservation area. CDC replied that yes, notice should have been submitted to the council prior to undertaking the work. Mr G.Page added that there were many poplar tree suckers also in the conservation area that need removing and that they would apply to CDC before any work is done.

2.4 Spring Clean

Mr Jarrett  confirmed that the Village Spring Clean is organized for Saturday 8th April.

3.    New Business (1) Mr G Page requested to hear Mr Hunt before returning to the official agenda.

3.1 Mr C Hunt addressed the council meeting to raise awareness and concerns relating to a recent announcement for plans to build a service station between junction 11 of the M40 and the A361 to the east. The service station would also include a lorry park and an eighty bed hotel.  The land comprising of 13 hectares, as detailed in Banbury policy 15 of the Local Plan, has been designated for economic development to create 1,000 jobs for Office, General Industrial, and Storage and Distribution use. Mr Hunt expressed that a service station did not satisfy those definitions and would not contribute much to the 1,000 jobs. He questioned whether a service station at Junction 11 was required, seeing that there was one at junction 10, to the south and one close to junction 12 to the north. Also, that close by junction 11 there was a McDonalds and Starbucks  in the Gateway retail Park and a Toby Carvery, a Holiday Inn and a petrol station in Ermont Way. Traffic at junction 11 is already very busy and a service station would only add unnecessary traffic from and to the motorway. In addition the junction will also have to handle the increase in traffic expected by the construction of HS2.

On 20th March Chacombe village had a presentation by Euro Garages to promote the development. Council agreed that, although it is outside of our parish, the scheme is not desirable and we should liaise with Chacombe to oppose it.

4.    Planning


1.    17/00322/F – Mr David Adshead, Home Farm, Williamscot

Erection of two timber stables and storage.    WPC – NO OBJECTION

CDC Decisions:

2.    17/00066/F – Thrift Energy, 2,3,5,6,7 & 9 Old Council Houses, Thorpe Road, Upper Wardington

External wall insulation    PERMISSION REFUSED

3.    17/00050/TCA – Mr Oakey, Rose Cottage, Thorpe Road. Upper Wardington Remove:- 2 Trees of unknown species. PERMISSION GRANTED

Remove 1 x Ash Tree, PERMISSION REFUSED, to be subject a tree preservation order.

5.    Finance.

5.1 Quotation for new notice board.

Considering the three quotations received to supply a new notice board for the village it was decided to place the order locally with David Adshead, Williamscot. Cost of £1,000 plus £190 installation.

5.2 Grass Cutting Contract

To date we had only received one quotation for the grass cutting contract and were waiting to receive a second. A third quotation was being investigated.

5.3 Renewal of Payroll Services Contract.

It was agreed to accept a new contract and to continue with the current payroll services provider, Dianne Malley. The annual fee had increased by £13 to cover additional workload required by HMRC.

5.4 NALC pay increase of 1%

Council were reminded that the annual pay increase of 1% comes  into effect on the 1st April 2017. This only affects the clerk’s pay.

5.5 Invoices – Cheques for authorization.

100868            Clerk’s Pay – Feb 2017                                              £346.69

100869            PAYE – Feb 2017                                                         £86.60

100870            OALC – Annual Subscription                                    £133.07

100871            VOID

100872            Clerk’s Pay – March. 2017                                         £346.69

100873            PAYE – March 2017                                                     £86.60

5.6 Playground 200 Club draw.

February draw, postposed from last council meeting:

100640            £20      Mr & Mrs S Gibbs

100641            £10      Mr C Morgan

March Draw:

100642            £20      Mr & Mrs S McCloghry

100643            £10      Mrs L Turnock

6.    New Business (2)

6.1  Unitary Council Proposal of Oxfordshire

Mr Atack was to present to council an update on the proposals but had to attend an extraordinary meeting of parishes at Bodicote House on this very topic. The meeting is to set out a response to the proposal of Oxfordshire County Council (and its new partners, South Oxfordshire District Council and the Vale of White Horse District Council) for a single county unitary authority in Oxfordshire.  Cherwell District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxford City Council oppose this and believe they have a better alternative, for our local area, and for the UK economy as a whole.

7.    A.O.B.


a.    Council  have received a letter from the Banbury Advice Centre for a financial contribution. Cllr. M Patterson said he would make inquiries to see how this charity operates differently to, or complements,  the Citizen Advice Bureau.

b.    Council have been contacted by the CDC Conservation Officer in respect of a re-appraisal of the Williamscot Conservation Area. A meeting at the Wardington Village Hall, for consultation, is to be organized in April or May 2017.

The meeting closed 8:40pm

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, 18th April, 2017 at 7:30pm in the village hall.